Cleaning in the time of Corona…

Information Covid-19 Image

There’s a lot we still don’t know about COVID_19 but according to reliable sources and experts from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we know it’s highly contagious and potentially life-threatening, and that transmission happens via respiratory droplets – usually from a cough or sneeze of an infected person.

Evidence also indicates that the bacteria may be able to remain active from many hours to several days on both hard and soft surfaces. The handy graphic on the left, created by 7 News and based on WHO guidance, shows the potential lifespan of COVID_19 on various types of commonly used hard surfaces and items.

Our team of cleaners are highly trained and experienced professionals, who always take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and others during the course of their work, however as a result of this pandemic we have increased and tightened many of our already stringent safety processes. This includes providing all of our staff with regular briefings and the latest information about coronavirus, as well as upgraded protective clothing such as high-quality face masks and disposable gloves.

Many of our clients have been asking about ‘Corona-cleaning’ or what we call Biohazard Cleaning (bio-cleaning) over the past few months. It’s important to understand that deep cleaning and sanitising any workplace, retail, commercial or publicly accessed space to ensure it is free of COVID_19 is no easy feat, and will not be included as part of your regular cleaning service.

What is Bio-Cleaning?

In order to achieve a high level of decontamination and for a bio-clean to be as effective as possible, we recommend cleaning and disinfecting together. Only by both cleaning and disinfecting or sanitising every surface and item are we able to remove AND kill most germs from surfaces and items.What’s the difference between cleaning and disinfecting and why is it important to undertake both?

  1. Cleaning – refers to the process of removing dirt, germs and impurities from surfaces and can usually be done using a regular soap and water solution. This doesn’t necessarily kill the bacteria, but definitely lowers their numbers and is the first step in bio-cleaning.
  2. Disinfecting – refers to the use of chemicals to actually kill the germs. This will not necessarily clean dirt or grime off surfaces, but a high-quality disinfectant like ours is highly effective in killing bacteria and therefore prevent the spread of any illnesses.

The Bio-Cleaning Process:

There are a few options for biohazard or deep cleaning that can be conducted independently or combined together, depending on the desired outcomes and whether we are trying to prevent or manage an outbreak.

  1. Touchpoint cleaning: this simple process is more about prevention and is where we disinfect any regularly used and touched surfaces with Hospital Grade disinfectant.
  2. Fogging or misting: using Hospital Grade disinfectant we spray surfaces with a solution that doesn’t require wiping or scrubbing. This disinfectant spray settles and remains on the surface and is suitable for larger areas such as floors, ceilings and walls or hard to reach areas like the top of windowsills and above cabinets or cupboards. Watch this video to see fogging in action!
  3. Full deep clean: this is typically done following an outbreak or where a known case has been found. We literally wipe down all likely surfaces that get regularly used and touched. This can be done instead of or accompanying the fogging or misting service mentioned above.

Bio-Cleaning Products:

At Cloverdale we use Hospital Grade disinfectant that also contains live bacteria that continues to neutralise viruses for some hours after initial application. Many standard disinfectants will neutralise the virus on initial contact, but the area can be re-contaminated minutes after the application. All of our products are approved by the Environment Protection Agency or EPA.

DIY Cautions:

Cleaning and disinfecting may sound pretty straight forward however, the correct type of disinfectants must be used in order to achieve a high level of protection and sanitation or hygiene. These disinfectants are highly potent and can be harmful to your health – some even require the user to wear a ventilation mask while using them. It’s also vital to make sure you are personally protected from coming in direct contact with any viable or active germs by wearing high-quality garments including, gloves and a face mask during the whole process.

What Areas Need Cleaning:

There are numerous and varied number of commonly used and high-touch hard surfaces, soft furnishings (which should be laundered whenever possible), hard and carpeted flooring and even walls and doors, that must all be cleaned and disinfected to make certain every room or space is free of Corona virus germs or bacteria.

Basically, it’s a really big job!

As well as individuals’ personal electronics and items, here’s a quick overview of the various larger items that must be deep cleaned:

  • Buildings & foyers: doors, doorknobs, light switches, alarms, lift buttons, stair railings, reception desks, chairs, tables, fabric covered furniture, walls, hard and carpeted flooring
  • Office: desks, boardroom tables, chairs, phones, keyboards, screens, cupboards, drawers, shelves, window locks and handles, bins, photocopiers and printers,
  • Kitchen: countertops, chairs, tables, fridges, toasters, kettles, coffee makers, sinks, taps, cupboards, drawers, hard floors and walls
  • Break out area: soft furnishings like rugs, cushions and fabric covered furniture, walls, hard and carpeted flooring
  • Bathrooms: doors, latches, toilets, countertops, sinks, taps, hand dryers, towel dispensers, flooring and wall tiles

Do you need a bio-clean?

Whether you’re working through the coronavirus epidemic, or looking to return to work in the next couple of months – it’s never been more important to keep your staff and organisation clean, safe and healthy. Attempting to undertake the full deep clean and disinfecting process yourself can be tricky, time consuming and stressful. While there’s plenty of free and reliable information for consumers and cleaners available from organisations likes the Australian Department of Health, not all cleaning companies will have suitable products, the capabilities or experience to undertake such a detailed and important job.

With a team of more than 500 staff and 25 years of experience servicing over 1 million square meters of commercial property daily, you can trust Cloverdale Group to get your office, retail space or building ‘Corona-clean’ and free of dirt and germs.

Contact us on 1300 553 714 or email [email protected] for a free consultation and quote today.

How can we help?

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you within 24 hours on business days.